Hello up there, it's me down here!: 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Yet another Top Ten List!

( It has been brought to my attention that 'old' friends are less frequently mentioned on this here blog, causing some to believe that I love them less... although I thought I addressed those issues (somewhat indirectly) in past blogs. However, this is absolutly not true, although I have focused on memories, inside jokes, and comments, from OTHER BLOGGERS, READERS, AND COMMENTATERS. But, I would like to add yet another Countdown to my blog...)


10. Senior year, He was my first and last Homecoming Date! (He's the only one that would take me!!! Probably felt bad
for me)
9. He only has one pitch when and if attempting to sing!
8. Freshman year of college we talked EVERY wed! (He would call AFTER 90210!!!!)
7. He proposed to me, alot of times! (even in front of the little chapel in Gatlinburg the day it snowed! How romantic?!?!)
6. He could be mistaken for a Puerto Rican Hick (with the beat up old nascar hat, and trips to Daytona!)
5. He teared up when giving me a hug (see #4) before he left to go to college. (dont deny it, I remember!)
4. He used to give these big bear hugs (EVERYTIME) that would choke the living day lights out of you, and then ruin
any chance of those 'I must, I must, I must, improve my bust' exercises from working!
3. In high school we were great friends, when he didnt have a girl friend! (Ill let him explain that one, I couldnt tell ya)
2. I could get really mad and drive to his house in Gainsville from Tallahassee, at the wee hours of the night, calm down, then turn around and drive back home just in time for clinicals the next morning at 7am. Im crazy... oh wait this is about Cheeks, ok lets move on.
1. Cause he annoys the heck out of me allllll the time, i think on purpose!! AND numbers 2-10 are all characteristics of a
great friend... THEREFORE I LOVE HIM!!!!... there is loooooots more but ill stop here!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003


Friday, November 21, 2003

Real Post Coming Soon... I promise!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2003

I have Kaplan classes tomorrow. They are on the weekends, all day. How horrible is that? So mark it in your calendars. Debbie is going to bed before 3 am. I dont really have anything to say. Nothing profound to share, nor do I have any interesting thoughts... just a quick hello and goodnight! P.S I love the new blogger-ma-bobber... its fun! I mean I am forced to do things like 'talk about myself' but its fun to read about everyone, so thats well worth the pain...LOL have a wonderful night world. See you in the morning!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I drew a picture in my journal today...
you may have seen a similar pic since its pretty famous, of Jesus holding up a carpenter...
I have that picture on a little card... I look at it and see a picture of what i feel like Jesus is doing for me...
so i drew it... with me in it... to be honest, sometimes i dont feel like jesus is doing that for me (usually when things are rough)... i drew it becuase i know that nomatter what i feel like... He cannot lie... so when He said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:27-29, He meant it... and when I feel like that isnt true, i have a picture of Jesus holding ME... and when was the last time you saw a photograph of something and said, that didnt happen?... exactly!... well this is my picture... it's true... He promised... I know it. Feelings are highly overrated! (disclaimer: i dont look like that, nor do i have that outfit, but Im not an artist and i couldnt get it to look like me. so use imagination)

My heart feels what I cannot explain.
It grasps what I cannot obtain.
because It belongs to Him who sustains,
it will not drown within the rain


Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I miss my friends.
I dont wish it were any different, i dont want to go back into time, i dont want to relive the past. I just miss my friends.
It's late and im tired, and my brain is going a mile a minute... and i am sitting here, (if your my friend) missing you! so im going to go to sleep. But know... that as i fall asleep, i am thinking about you my friend and praying for you. Because i miss you. and i do mean you. really you, yes even you. do you know me? are we friends? would you introduce me to someone as your friend? well then i am talking about you! i miss you! lots.

this could be a bad thing cause its not going to include all of you friends of whom i miss...
Favorite Memories with Friends Countdown...
( not in order of best to worst, not in any order actually, i just want to call it a countdown... but the only thing we are counting really is... how many memories i can come up with of ten different friends, in the next five minutes before i go to sleep...hmmm lets see...

10. Having Kelly over for a sandwhich after church... cause well... it was my Debbie's Famouse Sandwhich... and one of the very first of many fun times together! plus... we just wanted to sing that one praise song at the second service not really stay for the whole thing... and every other memory... they are all my favorite! TOTALLY! lol
9. Amanda knocking on the door because she was just stopping by after work, just to say hi ( oh i miss that soo much) it was like a FRIENDS (the tv show) friendship... only better!
8. Heather, Garry, Ryan, Joyce, and I singing Karyoke on my computer to 'I think we're alone now' by Tiffany... lol (ok that was a group one that doesnt count)
7. Carla teaching a group kids from Harlem, the funky cowboy... I LOOOOOOOOOOVED IT! Made MOSTof my trip! (i told you that right?)
6. Heather... there are more, but... i gotta say it has to be the 6 hundred and 85 days of 'talk'... i could go on but i think your gonna get your own countdown soon lol
5. Jesse, (behind the computer screen memories) staying up late and talking bad behind the various late night talk show hosts back lol (in front of, memories) random Schlotsky, outings... in which i save the chips from the first time and eat em' the second time.
4. Joyce...mmm... favorite? When i got to serve you for a whole day as your MOH!... old memory? that we havent brought up in our various 'remember when' games we oh so often played when bored?... mmm...well... still thinking... while i think... ill give you a favorite and most important.... the hug you gave me that spring of 1999... we became sisters that day.... mmm how about the cockroach above my head... that was funny... well no it wasnt... lol
3. Les... mmm... of course it was... [les]'so Deb, tell me... whats the Lord teaching you on this trip and whats your most deepest thought at the moment?...' [deb] (choke) (cough) ehem ...uhh...hi whats your name again?.... (lol ok it wasnt that bad... but thats what it was like in my head)... but so thankful for it... what a great friendship that came out of that first conversation... thanks for caring enough to probe... lol
2. Kelly's wonderful sister Carrie... [Carrie]'so do you like boys?'........ [Deb] WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (for the rest of you, please just dont even ask)
1. Because i have decided to limit this countdown to only ten and seeing that i have decided to limit it to 'friends since college' (although most of you i feel like i have known you all my life), i stop now. Also becuase although i said there is no particular order and that 10 doesnt actually mean not as good as 1 in this countdown, but still at some point some of you are goign to look at the number and (subconscious though it may be) feel less as important as somone lower down on the list... i will have no number one! i will just say... to all my friends of which i miss greatly... including the ones that i do miss and are not on the countdown, you have affected my life in some way, shape, or form and i have grown, learned, and have been blessed by having you in it! THANK YOU... did i mention that I MISS YOU!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Countdown #1 (copycat of the recent trend of countdowns)

Reasons Why...

I think Heather should make a Countdown of, "Reasons Why She Loves Me!"

10. We HAVE known each other for 4 years and we lived in the same dorm.
9. Despite all the begging my roomate did for me to go with her to Stetsons, my first time to Stetsons WAS with Heather and Carla.
8. My mother had a nickname for heather before I did. Wait still i dont have a nickname for heather.
7. I had a thing with her stuffed monkey. (lol i dont know how that sounds)
6. I can think of 10 reasons why I love Heather Lancaster.
5. I too love her Dog!
4. I know some secrets (I promise you will know mine someday!)
3. She wanted to live with me!
2. I am trying to avoid saying certain things and events that I know Heather would use on a
countdown just so that In the instance that she indeed created a countdown for me, she could
say it!
1. Because I Love Her, and miss her, and our friendship makes a good MIX!!!!! MWAUH

Sunday, November 02, 2003

That's It?!?!?!?!... I tell my friends and others that i am going to the NYC, and I only have one kind and faithful blogger comment on my post. You know you guys stinkaroo... Maybe i should explain the rational behind the dissapointment... This isnt all SOLELY for your entertainment... i would like something to read also... hence the comments box! ;-P This remind me of a t-shirt, " i went to (insert place here), and all i got back was this lousy t-shirt"... well my blog-shirt says " I posted a blog and all i got back was one lousy comment!" (not saying the comment was lousy but the amoung of comments)

LOL did i just say blog-shirt?

hmmph.... oh well... i dont care... im not talking to you anyway!
