Hello up there, it's me down here!: 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

hey folks... long time no see.
well its 3 in the morning and i woke up. haha this night shift business really throws you off i tell you. expecially when you work one on one off one on like i have been doing for the last couple of days. anyway so i am sitting here looking for new york job assignments time is close. my assignment here is up on april 9th... which technically means i can go anytime after that. now where to go? its a little scary you know a floridian in new york.. hahah the people are different the weather is different. but if i dont go i just might die of the 'what if's' that would go through my mind. expecially since its been on my mind to go since before i graduated nursing school. anyway i guess i better try and go back to sleep. its been a while since i had a real post on here... and this isnt really a superb post. but i just wanted to see if anyone was out there!
im out!

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's so good to have cousin's around... we had a great night at 'the pawn shop'... me, adam, gerry, megan, and shana!! lot's of love guys and gals... and don't worry we won't mention the L's! wink wink. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

a little something i like to do when im bored... me and hi-leen Posted by Picasa

a little something i like to do when im bored Posted by Picasa