Hello up there, it's me down here!: 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Why is everyone bailing out on the blogger? Why is everyone giving up and not commenting either?
whats wrong with everyone. Does everyone want to stop keeping in touch. This used to be a place of community and gathering, now its a ghost town with infrequent wonderers. Does everyone want to become distant, lose touch, become once in a while friends? seems that way? Oh well like Sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives... I guess.... not so deep you might be thinking? calm down drama queen? Well this just mimicks how real life is going so... Pthlthlthlllll (the noise i make when i stick my tongue out at you and blow)
That's all goodnight

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

What I've Learned about Life so far...
When life goes a way unexpected there are only two things that can occur.
You can allow life to call the shots, or you can call the shots for your life. which means you can choose to handle the situations by any means necessary or you can let life take over and control your circumstances. You can endure the consiquences of your mistakes, or you can run from them.
I've had a few obsticles to find there way into my path over these past few years. With each of them I've done my share of ignoring, running, and letting them take over. What I've learned is that:
Nothing is impossible because when I think it is, im proven wrong.
Nothing is too much, becuase just when I think Ive reached my limit, im given more.
Nothing is final, becuase even in death I will live for eternity.
So when life throws me something, bring it on, becuase I will handle it, no matter how hard, no matter how difficult, no matter what I have to put on hold. I will pay for my mistakes, I will face my fears, and I will call the shots, with the help of my God.

You see life is funny, because it is comprised of many obstacles, good and bad,
its made up of lots of people, some sisters and brothers, some haters. Some pure in heart, some evil spirited
life is filled with situations, and complications, some put there for a lesson to be learned, some put there to discourage and tempt
You cant trust 'life', you can only live life.

And depending on what you do with it, how you choose to live it, what you choose to accept and not accept from it, what parts of it you allow to change you and what parts of it you change, all these things depend on How you choose to live your life.

Love life, we were created, every hair on our head has been accounted for, but don't let the cirumstances of life run your life. Any circumstance can be controlled by the one who gives and sustains life, so don't bow down to those things that control your life anymore. Deal with it, put one foot in and find three foot prints there.

I'm over it!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

hey guys,
Its been a while since I have posted on the main page. however you should be checking to your right under, 'a nurses tale'. That is where I share with you my fun, not so fun, happy or sad stories from Orlando Regional 11LP!!! Anyway how is everyone, let me know! I have been eh lets see... the truth... not too too much better than my last year. I know I have said that this year is going to be different, and that I was going to work on alot of things which made last year so difficult. but this year has proved to be a time of unsettledness. My Spirit most importantly has been unsettled. My work, I mean I just started so I am not going to be 'settled' for a while, although it has gotten better. My life all the way around in every aspect I can say is not settled. but I turn 23 tomorrow, and my deepest most knee hitting prayer is that 23 be a year of renewal and new beginnings for me, and a rejuvination of life and a time of vision for the rest of my life. I know I am sort of speaking general about alot of specific things in my life, which could leave my audience confused but this is enough information to ask you my friends (family) to join me in these prayers.
I love you guys!