Hello up there, it's me down here!: 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004

Sunday, February 29, 2004

...Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you...

...In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;...

Psalm 143

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I got my schedule for next week. My first week as a nurse will start.... THIS SUNDAY!!! what where they thinking... orientation ends on friday... and i start on SUN!!! My day of rest! lol oh well, atleast I have three days off then I work thursday and Friday. Then a new schedule comes out! So we will see how it goes. Atleast I get paid a weekend differential on sunday :-P So all that nurse talk. Anyway, so its a little sad without my Joycee and Aaron, but hey the more I pray for them (which I do daily, and I hope you are joining me) The more happier my heart is that they are their. I mean don't get me wrong it has always been more excited and happier that they were going than selfish that I want them here... but the beauty of the Lord and praying, it just makes me feel like I am contributing to their ministry through prayer and its exciting! So that's the update... someone needs to holla back on my last blog... thanks les... you care! lol, leave me one!

Sunday, February 01, 2004

So there are two things we need to talk about here:

Both occuring tomorrow, are major events in my life and the life of others close to me, which inturn in away affects me personally (emotionally atleast).

First and Foremost: My sister-at-heart, friend forever, confidant, bestest buddy is leaving for Brazil for 'atleast' a year!

How exciting, How encouraging, How inspiring, How amazing it is to witness the process, time, dedication, transformation, and most of all faith that goes into preparing and leaving to go to a whole other country to do full time ministry. Ministry, as defined by Webster "The act of serving". They are going by Faith to Brazil, to do nothing more than serve people daily! WOW! I am so blessed and honored, and privilaged, to so much as to know these guys, but to be able to pray for them, and to hear from them and find out what the Lord is doing through them, it's a gift from the Lord himself.
Personally I want to thank Aaron and Joyce for following their hearts and going, believing in faith that the Lord has called them to Brasil and knowing that is where He has them for atleast a year. I pray for there marriage to be strengthened and renewed daily as they share there life with each other and with the people of Brasil. And I will be praying EVERYDAY for the Brasilian students, for hearts to be softened, and leaders to be raised. Also for Joyce and Aaron and the rest of the STINT team, I will be in continuous prayer for them to remain encouraged and to know that when ever discouragement finds it's way to them, that they need to stay strengthened and at peacing knowing that we are praying for them and lifting them up, and that the Lord has them there and that through them and others will finish the great works in which he has already started.

secondly, and in my heart not as important as the first...
I start my job tomorrow. Well orientation for the week so not really nursing until the following week.
This is a big step in life. As we all know I graduated last May and just starting now nearly a year later. For many many many reasons I really was not ready, or in the right place to start working. And as I am still in the process and in some aspects, looking into working out those issues, I am trusting in faith that I am at where I am becuase HE wants me to be. So here we go!

So, friends thats the update. Please join me in prayer for our friends Joyce and Aaron, and for those in Brasil. And also if I may ask for prayer for this new career I am about to embark in, and the courage to work out some of those issues in the afformentioned paragraph. I love you guys... Thanks!