Hello up there, it's me down here!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I got my schedule for next week. My first week as a nurse will start.... THIS SUNDAY!!! what where they thinking... orientation ends on friday... and i start on SUN!!! My day of rest! lol oh well, atleast I have three days off then I work thursday and Friday. Then a new schedule comes out! So we will see how it goes. Atleast I get paid a weekend differential on sunday :-P So all that nurse talk. Anyway, so its a little sad without my Joycee and Aaron, but hey the more I pray for them (which I do daily, and I hope you are joining me) The more happier my heart is that they are their. I mean don't get me wrong it has always been more excited and happier that they were going than selfish that I want them here... but the beauty of the Lord and praying, it just makes me feel like I am contributing to their ministry through prayer and its exciting! So that's the update... someone needs to holla back on my last blog... thanks les... you care! lol, leave me one!