Hello up there, it's me down here!: 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004

Monday, December 22, 2003

So can anyone guess what starts with an R and ends with a 3 and has 9 characters?!!?!?!?

*hint: It is the key to opening the next phase of my life!!?!?!?!?

Any Guesses?!?!?!

(insert big smiley with the teeth here!)

*If you want to cheat....go here

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I MARRIED CHIQUI WITHOUT HIS ABSOLUTE CONSENT (I think thats biblical?!?!)... i mean if he asked me before a million times, then why wont he say he do it again?!?!? Oh well, i did it anyway!... so friends...exciting news.... I AM MARRIED!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Well, what had happened was... Yet another old friend IMed me up to tell me they too have not been mentioned on this here blog. Now look folks... I have been catering my blog to those who read, and to my current feelings and dramas. Now if you are not mentioned in this here blog thats cause I dont know you are reading... SO COMMENT and ill know! lol but because i absolutly LOOOOVE my friend KAMPUS KAMPER KOUNSELOR KATRINA FROM KONNECTICUT! LOL i want to do YET another countdown!

Top 10 Reasons Why I LOVE My Friend Katrina 4-Life

10. You know when you are in a situation where you just have to meet new people cause you are going to be working with them and see them every day for a whole summer? Yeah and you know when there is just that person that you feel like is your best friend after 5 minutes of even knowing them? Yeah that was Katrina!
9. Becuase my Sister was Jealous everytime I told her I was with Katrina (lol jk she wasnt, Katrina she loves you!)
8. Becuase she accompanied me in the pulling of the Polocks towel, i pulled and ran (no i didnt turn around to see)she snapped hahahah (different times folks, better if you just dont ask)
7. Becuase she's a hard core chic... oh wait that was me!
6. Because her BFF was jealous everytime she told her she was hanging with ME! hahahah (ok jk again, Carla LOVES ME!)
5. Becuase we have good times even if it is just for a day in NYC! We also have good times in the middle of snow storms and ALSO on big mountains filled with frozen water, while standing on big boards of wood with just a stick to help you on your way... who the heck invented skiing? and who said it was fun?!?!
4. She took me to connecticut, rhode island, and boston... all in one weekend... was s'pose to go to NYC but it was too cold!
3. knock knock... who's there?.... interrupting Cow... hahahahahahhahahahahahahahha
1. I love Katrina for all these reasons, and so much more! She is my friend 4-Life!!!! LOVE YOU CHIC!

P.S to all who are reading! : go to the fsucru.blogspot.com and answer my questions folks!

Friday, December 12, 2003

A Quicky!!

Here is a picture of Carrie the Lovely!!!

The two of the most fabulous girls in the world... and they are sisters too!!! Crazy!!!
I love them both!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

I just went to Tallahasssee 'real quick', atleast that is what I told my mom I was doing. I went to Tallahassee on Saturday and came back Monday morning. It was great. Jenny (old roomie from Wisconsin) came down and it was beyond great to see her and hang out (even if it was for just a bit). To be able to hang out, go eat, watch tv, drive around, or just chat with a friend, nothing could have been better! I mean how many times can I say it before it gets annoying, or how many different ways do I have to express it before one of you can completley understand, that I LOVE MY FRIENDS, you all mean the world to me (i dont think i could say it enough)! Anyway, needless to say I had a great weekend, and although there are lots of things I should have been doing with my time, I was blessed by all of you guys! Here are some pics!

Out for Din Din

Other side of table

The suprise hug I stole on the way home :-P


P.S I also (Still) love Cheeks, although he was not mentioned in this specific blog. And I also will address Chiqui's next thought.... I drove up with someone which is why i did not stop in G-ville to say hello!