Hello up there, it's me down here!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I drew a picture in my journal today...
you may have seen a similar pic since its pretty famous, of Jesus holding up a carpenter...
I have that picture on a little card... I look at it and see a picture of what i feel like Jesus is doing for me...
so i drew it... with me in it... to be honest, sometimes i dont feel like jesus is doing that for me (usually when things are rough)... i drew it becuase i know that nomatter what i feel like... He cannot lie... so when He said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:27-29, He meant it... and when I feel like that isnt true, i have a picture of Jesus holding ME... and when was the last time you saw a photograph of something and said, that didnt happen?... exactly!... well this is my picture... it's true... He promised... I know it. Feelings are highly overrated! (disclaimer: i dont look like that, nor do i have that outfit, but Im not an artist and i couldnt get it to look like me. so use imagination)

My heart feels what I cannot explain.
It grasps what I cannot obtain.
because It belongs to Him who sustains,
it will not drown within the rain
