So I just visited my beloved Tallahassee. I love that place, it is filled with so very many wonderful memories. And it still is home to alot of my dear friends. What was supposed to be only a 2 day trip turned out to be a 4 day trip and if it wasnt for a gut wrenching decision to leave at 7pm and drive home all night i dont think i would have left really. Here are a few pics (out of order) from the trip!
before i left i had a fun random visit with brandon, april and Hi-leen We sat at Starbucks and had a little chit chat!

I spent one night with Kelly (which was so sweet to my heart)and the rest of the nights with Nicola and Hi-leen. It was really fun to hang out with these two special girls because they truley are special to me... as you can see Hi-leen and i got to spend a lot of time together and this time of fellowhip was very good for my heart and soul, i dont even know if she knows that (well now ya do)

Thursday night Hileen with a very convincing argument invited me to go salsa dancing with her. before we went we stopped for a pic... we had an interesting but very fun fun fun salsa night!

And of course i had to stop and see the coolest new twins in town... that is hunter, eddy, ellie, and kalee with me on the picnic blanket.... we had a fun time!

soo i really didnt take enough pics but I did do alot when I visited... went to a cru meeting, momo's with steven, visiting new parts of campus with nicola, chit chats with kelly, i mean really i should have a camera attached to my hip at all times lol .... fun times fun times.... go seminoles!