Hello up there, it's me down here!
A bit of intimacy from a girl who finds comfort in walls...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Let me share a little about me:

I like to salsa dance!

I have a friend named allyson
(sometimes she smiles)

and a friend named chiqui
(he is straight, really)
My brother has two kids:

Adam and Matthew
and My sister has two kids:

Alexandria and Justin
I have no kids and Im not married.
thats all for now
Sunday, August 07, 2005

I think we like to wear white... Janie and I had fun hanging out... we ate, chatted, enjoyed eachothers company and we... Played the Guitar... listen to Janie and I singin and playing TOGETHER!!! awwww how sweet!

Click here to listen to Grace Like Rain by Janie and Debbie
Janie: vocals/acoustic
Debbie: backup vocals/ "bass"/"electric" guitar
You have to click on the link then you will see something that says wait 30 seconds when it is done counting down it will give you the option to upload the song... you will see all sorts of links and stuff too... dont mind that... thats what you get when you use free file hosting servers!!! enjoy! miss you Janie!!! Remember me when you sing our song! :-)