Hello up there, it's me down here!

Friday, January 06, 2006

I have an issue... well i have many. However the one i am speaking of is the one where... if something is going okay i dont really want to admit it for fear that it will instantly turn into a sloppy dirty hot mess. Silly i know, but an issue none the less... im sure this is deep routed in things I shall not blog about, but in any case in light of this issue i am going to say anyway that my new job is not going so bad. not as bad as i predetermined it would be. I am nervouse and almost past out scared every night i go but that is just becuase of yet another insecurity issue i have. lol But for all of you who have prayed and continue to do so and all of you wondering, i do want to let you know that im surviving and at this rate it looks as though i will continue on to New York and finally accomplish something i have set out ever since the beginning of nursing school to do!
On to the topic of living at home. Well that too is something that i would say is equally as hard as starting the new job but is turning out to be not half bad. not that i would say i would want live here again or prolong my stay but after a rocky start it is working itself out. its nice to be around the family and be able to go to dance recitals and help with homework. Also fun to hang with the cousins and attend family parties, things i havent been able to do for nearly 6 years now since i left to college. I have been going to a new church that i have never really visited before. i have yet to go to their young adults ministry but i am working on that... the same old story with my job i work alot of weekends and it really interferes with going to church however, it is important to me and i go as much as i can, thank goodness for midweek services eh? some things i would like to do is go to so some salsa classes becuase those are always fun for me...im looking into that!
There are a few things that i miss. I miss my friends and although while in orlando i didnt see my non work friends very much they were just a hop skip and a jump away. i miss my roomates, i miss my work friends and being able to go to work and actually really enjoying the company of everyone there,( minus most of the doctors of course lol). I miss Christian friends and fellowship but i havent really had that in consistency since college. not that my christian friends are better than my none christian friends but its a part of my life (well it is my life) that is important and to be able to share that with people who fully understands and also believes in the same things is definitly something i miss. but i love that i do have those friends who never 'left' and who i can call on and talk to whenever, praise the Lord for that!
So that in a little snippit of how i am doing, for all of those who wonder! If your reading this it's probably true that i miss you, and i love you and i hope you comment and let me know you are there. thanks for your prayers please dont stop i have till march 12th here at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale!
