Hello up there, it's me down here!

Monday, November 22, 2004

MY BAD! friendly readers everywhere.You know there comes a time in every bloggers life where they have take way to long to post and then write the apologetic, 'sorry its been so long post.' I mean duh! anyway. Still reading Blue Like Jazz... for some reason I just havent read it in a while but then in the last two days I read half of it. It really is a good book. I love it becuase he writes how I think. The book is hot, and I really can't wait to finish it and maybe pick up his other book like the rest of you's guys. Anyway I really don't have much to say on here today. I just wanted to respond to the yooohoooo's ive been getting in my comments box! ill give you more of me later!


P.S Florida State is still hot. Bowden just forgot he had another quarterback thats all! Never thought I'd be yelling 'put Rix in' but wow there is a first time for everthing!

P.S.S If you havent gone to the new website check it out. i put the same post on this site but thats just so folks can comment on both. those of you who are too unwilling to sign up with xanga to be able to post that is! :-P check it out www.xanga.com/lilldebbi