- Praise to the Lord, The Almighty - - -
"Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him. All that hath life and breath come now with praises before Him. Let the 'amen' sound from His people again. Gladly for aye (all time) we adore Him. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah" I love this Hymn on so many levels.
"Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him". This is the prayer of my heart right now. Let me not be consumed with where will I go next, what will happen to me, what will happen to my family and friends, but let me pray each day that ll that is in me adore Him, for He is the orchestrator of all of my days, Let me not worry about my life, but give it to the One who works only for the good of it. I pray that you and I will Adore the Lover of our souls with all that is in us. Praise Him! "All that hath life and breath come now with praises before him."
"let the 'amen' sound from His people again." when I heard this hymn for the first time in a long time, this verse stuck out at me. I sung it over and over changing it from let the 'amen' sound from ME again. The word amen, is a Hebrew word meaning 'so be it.' How much of my life have I taken on myself to try and fix or handle. Instead of giving it to my father and saying It is yours, ' so be it'! AMEN
"Gladly for aye ( all time) we adore Him."
Praise Him, He is worthy of our praise. Praise him in GLAD adoration.
Hallelulia, literally translates 'praise Jehova'. The joy I feel when singing Hallelulia to the Lord its direct praise to the one who is worthy!
I pray that you will not worship the gods of this world, but worship the ONE true God and Praise Him, he has fairfully and wonderfully made you, knowing everything about you down to the number of hairs on you head. Experience His love everyday! Hellelulia!
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