Hello up there, it's me down here!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Currently Reading
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
By Donald Miller
see related

I jumped on the 'Blue Like Jazz' bandwagon. I haven't opened it yet, but i purchased it! We will see how that goes.

So how has the world been? I have been good. I have a new penpal. hahah actually she is like a roomate, because she is always online, and so am I, so its like we are roomates! hahah she lives in brasil! I have a Brasilian pen pal, how cool is that.

I saw my friends Kelly , Josh and Garry this weekend. We watched the horrible football game this weekend. But it was supperdity duperty fun to see them. I miss having friends!

Work in the morning! so ill be outie.