Im back from Brazil! Oh how my heart rejoices! It was everything I expected and more. There is just so much and its all so special. My favorite parts were the beautiful beaches, yummy restuarantes, and great times with new friends. My heart was so pleased to be able to spend some long awaited time with my Joyceeee and her Aaron . For those of you who dont know me, she is my sister-at-heart and He is her husband! I got a room of my own, with a smily face pillow waiting to greet me. Lots of time to shop and have girl time doing nails and hair. and all for sooooooooooooo cheap!
some fun and interesting Fortaleza, Ce Brasil facts:
located on the north east section of brazil right on the coast (you can see the ocean from 'my' window.)
you can not flush the toilet paper because it will clog the drainage system, so while in Fortaleza it is necessary to throw your toilet paper in the trash. also some public restrooms have the toilet paper in one big roll dispenser that you must take before entering into the stall. lol this was fun!
walking and bus travel how we got around, it is great to keep up the figure!
fresh juices are a must have in fortaleza brasil
frango catupiry is my favorite food choice!
lol so much fun, really its not explainable in a blog you must go for yourself.
The best thing in Fortaleza was meeting so many people that were just such sweet people. They just shined with life and joy, and fun! The parts of the ministry that i got to experience was fabulous as well. The college students all great, just great. and the staff team were wonderful too! There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord is doing great things on the campuses of Fortaleza Ceara!
I need to post more later... with some pictures. tchau for now!
God bless,
click me to see my update on brasil, on my new weblog site...
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