Why do we blog? It seems to be the topic of discussion. As one of my favorite blogger's stated, for her it is cathartic (emotionally purging). Another has said that it brings a feeling of community. A qoute from this same blog shares that blogging brings the psychological you, from the inside to the outside.
Well, I too have been thinking along those same lines recently. However, the question that has been resonating in my mind is not why I blog, but rather what makes a good blog. You know it is a matter of fact, that I am not one to keep my word when it comes to the promise of consistancy with blogging. And no matter how hard I have tried to be an A+ blogger, the fact of the matter is that without inspiration, motivation, or contemplation, the word blog quickly transforms itself from being a verb, to becoming a noun. In that, it swiftly becomes a thing that you read and comment on, rather than the act of composing and publishing for the world to read.
So what is it? What makes a good blog? Well if proper grammar and correct sentence formation is a necessity then I might as well go to 'start' click on 'turn of computer', and wait for windows to finish shutting down. I don't think I ever learned, where, exactly, to place, the comma. You know if it were up to me (if you havent noticed already) the comma would go wherever I felt there should be a pause. I think since it is my expression, I should be able to dictate, through the use of a comma, where, and when, I would like people to pause, when reading. Don't you? (English majors, and journalists do not respond)
Well, is it the topic? Because if I were to honestly say why I do not blog as frequently as I would like to, my excuse would be that I just dont think that I have anything interesting to say. Who really wants to read my thoughts and contemplations on what makes an interesting thought and contemplation anyway?
Well, what do i like to read? I like blogs that show personality and character. After all, dont you like to know who you are communicating with? I like blogs that are vulnerable. The kinds that seem like you aren't really staring at a box of wires and tubes, but one that sings lub dub as you read the words straight from someones heart and soul. I like the kind that read so gracefully as if the blogger was speaking directly to you. Interesting? well who doesnt like interesting. But, if I had to choose between spending ten minutes listening to some good, late night, ramblings of this that or the other, spoken with personality and laughter, giving insight to a persons heart, bringing simplicity and honesty, over something interesting.... well I think you can figured out just which I would prefer.
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