Hello up there, it's me down here!

Sunday, October 26, 2003

So..... I went to church today... Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale! I love it... Well anyway, I went to the bookstore afterward and looked in the 'single/young adult' section. I was thinking look... things are getting a little out of control here... I need to simmer down now (refer to prayer request #1 on last post). I mean really It's not like a boy crazy thing thats going on, its more like a husband longing situation. So anyway, as I was looking through the lovely selection of 'im lonely and want a man, self-help books', I came across a few interesting titles, Finding Mr. Right, If Sigleness is a Gift, Whats the Return Policy?, and of course I cruised past the, I kissed dating goodbye (and rather quickly). After making my way up and down the fully stocked rows of books, I stopped on the well known devotional, Lady In Waiting. I have many friends who have read this book, and I have heard lots of good things about it, so I decided to pick it up myself and give it a quick flip through. Well I opened up and landed directly on Chapter 1. After reading the first paragraph I realized, that this was the book that I needed to buy. Someone was perhaps making a funny up there, but coincidence or not I found myself at the checkout line with my new book.

Lady In Waiting by Debby Jones & Jackie Kendall

Ch. 1
The big day is over. Your roommate married a wonderful guy and you were the maid of honor. You shared your roomate's joy, but now you wrestle with the envy's painful grip. as the happy couple drives to the perfect honeymoon, you sit alone in an empty apartment, drowning your envy and self-pity with a half gallon of Heavenly Hash ice cream.
Does this scenario sound familiar?

dodo dodo doo doo dododo (to the tune of the twilight zone)