The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. wow, just some good ol' plain simple truth. i was given this book by a friend of mine, who perhaps saw the spiritual struggle i was having. The problem was, I was believing lies lies lies. See the thing is, simply put... SATAN IS A PERSISTANT SON OF A GUN. With me the problem in that is, that i know that the things that i am believing are lies, but its the fact that those lies come up in such a consistant manner, that they become a part of my thinking. BAD IDEA, WRONG CONCLUSION, SNAP OUT OF IT. You would think that a person who has faith in a perfect God, who has seen his amazing love and miracles and who knows that His spirit which resides in her, allows her to differentiate truth from lies, would also be able to avoid falling into this silly trap. But, the truth is that I am Able, and i am able becuase, of all those things that i do know and recognize to be true.

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